So, it has been almost a year since I started this
historical blog and I just noticed I have commented on different parts of my
past but I have no cohesive form. I will now try to replace this chronologically
chaotic stream of consciousness with a more sequential story. But, if I decide
that is to constraining, I will once again bounce around as I see fit. Besides,
this is my history.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Summer Camp at Blackhawk – The Aftermath
Well, with summer camp now behind us, we prided ourselves in
surviving our adventures and in the process completing four out of five merit badges.
The Camping merit badge requires a lot of nights that we knew we couldn’t meet
on this activity. But they did add three nights to their total.
So, on paper, this was a great success. The boys were completely
involved in the planning, preparation, and execution the camp. They learned
skills that they had to use and they had great time in the process. We came
back from this experience a close-knit group having shared a common challenge.
But this experience reinforced in me that my skills did not include scouting.
True, we had great experience. But I knew that scouting
would always be an obstacle for me. I enjoyed the camaraderie that comes from
the experience. Yet there was no way the troop would succeed as a scout troop
if I were its leader. So, the Sunday after we got back, I asked Bishop Carroll
to release me as soon as possible.
He was reluctant to do so. He told me that the boys had
never had such a good time with scouting. But I could read the writing on the
wall. I had given it all I could. So, I was released. In less than two years I
was working with the youth as Young Men’s President. That was where I belonged.
Summer Camp at Blackhawk – Day 3: Pioneering
Our last merit badge to work on was Pioneering. We decided to
build a tower that had a ladder to climb up and a platform where you could
stand once you made it to the top. Now, we had practiced our lashing and knots
for weeks ahead of the camp. So we know what to do. But we had never built
anything that we would actually climb on.
Luckily, Dave Freeman was the expert and he came up Friday afternoon
with the ropes and poles. As soon as he arrived we started building. First we
lashed together the platform. Once that was done we started on the structure
that would support the platform. Finally, we built the ladder that would allow
us to climbed up. The platform of the tower was about 10 feet off the ground.
The boys had a great time building it and Burt and Dave did
a fantastic job working with them. In few hours we were ready to hoist the
tower from the ground and test our great pioneering skills. The test would come
by having each boy climb up -- one of a time, of course.
Summer Camp at Blackhawk – Day 2: Wilderness Survival
Now, this was the day I was dreading and the one the boys
were looking forward to. As part of the requirements for Wilderness Survival,
we and to make our own sleeping structure from items we found on the ground. No
axes, no hammers, and no tents were allowed. Although, the merit badge pamphlet
stated we could we a tarp to avoid sleeping wet.
The BSA was also trying to advocate leave no trace camping so we could not cook any food. We had to eat
whatever was in our packs and we had out to haul out all garbage. Indeed, after
we left, the campsite had to look more natural than it did before we got there.
Well, we didn’t do well with that part of the requirement, as you will see.
Summer Camp at Blackhawk – Day 1: The Prelude
So the day the of the summer camp finally arrived. It was
not going to be a full week. Rather, it went from Wednesday through Saturday.
On Wednesday, we did the following
- Arrive
- Setup camp
- Start the Environmental Science observations
The boys needed 30 hours of observation so we had to allow
that in our plans. But, get real. Can you image a group of young, teen-age boys
standing for 30 hours in some natural habitat documenting the flora and fauna? No
way. So my job was to walk around visiting each little group of boys and
pretending to find value in what the requirement stated. Mostly, we just
To help with the Cooking merit badge the boys had full responsibility
for each meal. They planned the meals before we left. I went shopping with them
to procure the food. Finally, they had to prepare each meal and clean up.
It was great having Burt there to help in this area. Not
only did we avoid starving, we ate fairly well. The cool part was the preparing,
cooking, and cleaning took time and planning so this became structured time
that kept the boys involved.
We had a campfire that night and I tried to be my dad. But that
didn’t go over well. Burt contributed much and the boys wanted to do skits. We
had a reasonable good scouting time. But my real apprehension was brewing. The
next day would bring Wilderness Survival to the forefront. Did I mention that I
have camping?
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Summer Camp at Blackhawk – The Preparation
As I mentioned earlier, when I was called to be Scoutmaster
I was also informed that the boys were to have a troop sponsored summer camp
and not to attend a council sponsored camp. There is a great difference between
these two types of camps – at least from the Scoutmaster’s point of view.
At a council camp, the council is responsible for the merit
badge classes, activities and other items designed to occupy the boy’s time. The
busier the boys were the less trouble they would get into. Well, that’s the
theory. They get into enough trouble even when their schedule is full. Twelve
to thirteen year-old boys are the epitome of chaos.
With a troop sponsored camp, the entire burden of the camp rests
upon the shoulders of the Scoutmaster. Well, I should say the Scoutmaster and
the troop committee. But the troop committee rarely exists and when it does
exist, it rarely contributes in any way to the troop.
Sunday, October 5, 2014
What? Scoutmaster. Me!!!
One the cruel twist of fate in my life was being called a
Scoutmaster. Now, I had been raised never to turn down a calling. I had also
been raised that all callings came from God. I had assumed, growing up, that “coming
from God” meant God spoke directly the church leader extending the calling as
He did to Joseph Smith.
Well, that illusion lasted until I served in Bishopric and
saw how most callings were really extended. The Bishopric looks at the likes
and interests of the person, discusses what positions are open, determines if
the person has the time and can contribute positively to the dynamics of the
proposed organization, then prays about it. Absent a lightning bolt,
earthquake, or other tangible manifestation supporting or opposing the
decision, the Bishopric extends that calling.
Now we can debate the true nature of inspiration or the
vagaries of revelation, or we can just move on. I suggest we move on and have
that conversation face to face.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
An Actual Ax Accident
One of the verities of Scouting is that you will have
injuries. While most are minor, there have been incidents of serious injuries and
even deaths. Luckily, I have never been a witness to either of these two tragedies.
But when you take a group of boys to the outdoors and add
fire, knives, axes, saws, bows, arrows, guns, canoes, swimming, and hiking all
together you have a perfect recipe for injuries. I have learned when a scout or
scout leader starts an activity with the words: “Watch me do this…” it is better
to call 911 first, and then watch the crazy stunt that is sure to follow.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
The Royaneh Raccoons
When Dad was Scout master and I was still too young to attend
Boy Scouts, I had the pleasure of going to two days of Scout Summer Camp as Dad’s
guest. Because I was the Scoutmaster’s son, none of the older boys ever teased
me and, to be honest, they were all quite nice to me. This made me feel great.
At school, I did not have too many friends. I was small,
skinny, and less than coordinated when it came to sports. Sports was the key social
outlet for a young boy. So, I was either excluded or purposely excluded myself.
Of course, it didn't help being pigeon toed either. Anything that makes you
different than others leads to uncomfortable social ostracism.
But scout camp was different. There I was included. I
mattered. No one made fun of me. So I really looked forward to going there with
Of Knives, Fires, and S ’mores
I hope I made it clear that not all of my scouting placed a
horrible scar on my young psyche. I had many enjoyable and sometimes laughable
times as a scout. So now that I have bored even the hardiest of readers with my
personal scouting experiences, I want to take the time to reflect on some of my
more happy memories.
The first one that comes to mind was our day hike at the Sunol
Park just east of Fremont. Jim and Carol Harris were the Blazer Scout leaders and
drove our small patrol out to the park. This was our first true scouting
experience as young boys. Our parents weren't with us. He had on our uniforms.
Better yet, there was to be a camp fire.
Monday, July 7, 2014
I Made Eagle: The End of my Boy Scout Adventures
As I stated earlier, I was on track to make Eagle Scoutbefore my 14th birthday. Well, it took me almost four years to get
my last three merit badges and to complete my project. Why? Well, to be blunt, earning
my Eagle Scout meant nothing to me at all. In fact, I was resolved not to
pursue that award. But I was so stinking close that I had a change of heart.
In February, 1978 I was contemplating what to get my Dad for
his birthday on February 26. I had a job and I had money. But for a teenager to
find an adequate gift to give to his parents is always a challenge. If parents truly
want something, they have the resources to go get it. So, I was stuck with no
idea of what to get my Dad.
Then it hit me. What if I gave him my last three merit badges?
By now, the challenge of earning a merit badge was over. These requirements
were designed to challenge 12 year olds. I simply had to swallow my pride, read
the dumb merit badge book, perform the requirements, (making sure I chose the easiest
ones possible), and need go see a merit badge counselor.
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Scouts: The Beginning of the End
At last, after three years of Cub Scouts and one year in the
Guide Patrol/Blazers I was finally a real Boy Scout. But, as I said, just
before I turned 12, Dad was released as Scout Master and made Elder’s Quorum
President. The new Scout Master was Steve Barnes.
Steve was a towering figure in the ward. Well, he was about
seven feet tall and wore size 18 shoes. So, he was physically towering – his size
made quite the impression on us. He was a great man and we enjoyed him as Scout
Master and he enjoyed being with us. But he didn’t have the spark that made
scouting fun. I had seen how Dad had made scouting a joy. So I had a benchmark
and the troop I was part of fell way short of my expectations.
Of course, being the overzealous person that I am, during my
first year of scouting I was totally into it. By the time I was 13 I had all
but two or three merit badges for Eagle. I was on a pace to meet or exceed Matt’s
accomplishment of being Eagle before I was 14. But then I stopped.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Guide Patrol: A Time of Transition
Once a boy reached 11 he was done with Cub Scouts. But Boy
Scouts officially starts at age 12. So there is this transition year when the boy
is no longer a Cub but not quite a Scout. When I was growing up, that
transitional state was called the Guide Patrol. But my time in the Guide Patrol
was more than a transition between Cubs and Scouts; it was also a time of transition
of the Scouting program at the Church level.
Now, trying to change an entrenched Scout culture is not a
simple thing. But looking back, I can see a trend developing among the Church leaders.
Primary and Jr. Sunday School were staples of the pre-youth group. But little doctrine
was taught there. The Church could see that the youth needed to be better
prepared for the challenges that would face them so they gradually changed the
emphasis of Primary.
Weblos: The Turning Point
I am forced to admit that I loved being a Cub Scout. I loved
the crafts we made, the uniform, the advancement, the recognition, and most of
all, I loved my Den Mothers. But when a Cub Scout turns 10, it is time to leave
the Den and become a member of the Weblos.
What in the world is the Weblos? Well, it comes from the combination
of the phrase: “We’ll be loyal scouts.” Up until today, I thought the acronym
was: “We be loyal scouts.” But a quick
check in the web corrected my decade’s long journey in Ebonics.
While Cub Scouting was maternally based, Weblos was male
dominated, well at least it was for me. I think that was the first great shock
to my strong Cub Scout spirit. I can’t recall for sure the name of my Weblos
leader, but I think it was Br. Larsen.
Saturday, June 7, 2014
The Joy of Cub Scouts: Random Crafts
A previous post was supposed to tell about the fun crafts we
made as cub scouts but it wound up being solely about the Pinewood Derby. While
it was fun reminiscing about the derby, and perhaps exaggerating a bit (though
not much), the Pinewood Derby was only once a year. My two years in Cub Scouts
were filled with other fun things.
With November being about Thanksgiving, we made a turkey
from old Reader’s Digest magazines. I looked all over the web and could not find
an image of the turkey, but I remember carefully folding each page of the magazine,
opening it up and stapling the front cover to the back, and then gluing the
turkey head, feet, and tail feathers to the base.
The Joy of Cub Scouts: Rocket Derby
One year, I think while I was a Bear, we did the Cub Scout
Rocket Derby. Though not nearly as competitive and famous (or infamous) as the
Pinewood Derby, it was way cool to create a rocket that would glide down a taut
wire by a rubber band propeller. The best part of the Rocket Derby was that
I could use this rocket at home.
Friday, May 23, 2014
The Joy of Cub Scouts: The Pinewood Derby
Ah, the halcyon days of cub scouts.
To be honest, I don’t recall a single scouting skill I learned
while a Cub Scout. I earned my Wolf and
Bear badges as well as all the arrow point that are associated with each rank.
But I don’t recall any pure scouting skill. Rather my memories are tied to a handful
of fun things we made.
Of course, there was the Pinewood Derby. Cub Scouts in not
complete without the Pinewood Derby. To be honest, however, the derby is more
of a contest for the father’s than for the boys. But the boys do feel that
utter exhilaration of the competition including “the thrill of victory and the
agony of defeat.” There are always many tears shed as only one Cub Scout can
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Cub Scouts: My Good Deed
My guess is that after all the posts about Dad’s scouting experiences
and all the good he did to mold the lives of the dozens of boys that passed through
his troop you would assume that I would be the world’s greatest advocate for
Scouting. However, I started the series of posts lambasting the BSA and calling
them irrelevant. An odd sentiment coming from one so steeped in Scouting.
I still hold firm to my assertion of the need to jettison Scouting
from our culture. But, I say this not as a critic from the outside looking in,
but as a person who has been inside and is now looking out. To that end, I will
now share some of my memories of Scouting to help you, and me, better understand
why I feel the way I do.
To be sure, I have many fond memories of being a Scout. In
fact, my initial experience as a Cub Scout provided some of the happiest
childhood memories I have.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Eagles by the Dozen
As I mentioned earlier, the highest rank a boy can achieve in
Scouting is Eagle. This award can take from 2 to 6 years to accomplish. While
the ratio of boys who join the Boy Scouts and achieve Eagle is about 5-7 percent,
in Dad’s troops, those that ratio seemed much higher. It is likely that in his
16 years as Scoutmaster Dad has lost the exact count of those who achieved this
rank under his leadership, none of us will ever forget the day he had 12 Eagles
at one Court of Honor.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
The Trail to Eagle
When a boy first enters the scout program he must earn the
rank of Tenderfoot. This rank is designed to introduce a young 12 year-old boy
into the culture of Scouting. He needs to learn the Scout Law, Scout Oath,
Scout Motto, and the purpose behind Scouting. This rank is rather simple to
obtain but helps cement the boy into the program with the sense of achievement.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Frank Heiss and Scouting: The Golden Age – Part 3: Changing Lives
much as Dad saw importance in the scouting program, I firmly believe he
always had a higher purpose in supporting this program. To him, scouting was more than merit badges,
camping, hiking, and advancement. To Dad, scouting provided him the context,
for over 18 years, to positively impact the lives of the boys in his charge.
also believe Dad saw scouting as more than “the activity arm or the Aaronic
Priesthood.” He saw it as a way to instill core gospel principles into the
lives members and non-members alike. Perhaps his greatest work was done by
creating a program that excited his member scouts to willingly invite their
non-member friends.
one point, Troop 106 was almost half member and half non-member. True, this was
in California and not in Utah. So there was a much greater pool of non-member boys to include. But to have so many community members attending Mutual each week,
being made aware of the youth activities, interacting with adult youth leaders
and, perhaps more important, the LDS girls yielded nothing but positive results.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Frank Heiss and Scouting: The Golden Age – Part 2: Creating a Troop
So, Dad was now Scout Master of Troop 106. Now what?
He had never been Scout Master before. It is easy to know
exactly how to do something, like being Scout Master, until you face the abyss
of actually being in charge. The transition from theory to reality can be a challenge.
But Dad did have one thing to his advantage – there was no legacy of scouting
in the Fremont 3rd Ward.
This made things easier because expectations were low and there
was no one’s shadow that dictated his course. Dad was free to experiment. His
first troop became his laboratory. But, where to start?
The first thing he had to do was create order from chaos.
The boys had no concept of what a scout troop should be and how it should act.
They had no idea why needed a uniform. They did not understand the trail to
Eagle. So that is where he started – the basics.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Frank Heiss and Scouting: The Golden Age – Part I: The Beginning
Times were different in the 1960s and 1970s. America was
brushing off the façade of the 1950s where life was seen through a glass
darkly. The world of Leave to Beaver,
The Dick Van Dyke Show, and the simplicity
of Lassie was over.
These weekly television classics gave way to The Brady Bunch, The Partridge Family, and All
in the Family.
scout master,
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Opa and Scouting: The Beginning
I had the occasion to spend some time with Dad recently to
get his input on the connection the Heiss family has with scouting. I knew it
started with Opa, but I didn’t know how or why.
When Dad was about to turn 12, the bishop of the ward asked
Opa to serve as Scout Master. Now, Opa had no experience with scouting. In
fact, he didn’t know the first thing about the organization or the history the
church had with this program. But the calling came as a perfect storm.
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Scouting and the Church: My Perspective
To be fair, scouting advocates many positive things – faith,
loyalty, honesty, service, and so on. So it made sense that a Church, trying to
find a vehicle to engage its young men that was positive and exciting, turned
to scouting.
Scouting had its heyday in the church up until about the
1960s. But from the 1960s to the 1980s, the nation’s attention towards scouting
as well as that of the young men of the Church began to wane. Life changed and
scouting fell behind. That is not to say the values of scouting were any less
important. These are still great values.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Scouting: Time to Face the Abyss
The Heiss family has a rich and lengthy tradition when it
comes to scouting. But I have a feeling this tradition will end in the next
generation. To be honest, I don’t think that will be a bad thing. I feel that Church
has outgrown its need for scouting and in the years to come, I hope we will
wean the North American Church from chokehold of this antiquated programs.
So, if we have such a familial connection to scouting, why
am I such an advocate for abolishing this vestige of the past? First, I feel scouting
takes a lot of church, resources in time, manpower, and money, to support this
program with a very small return on this investment.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Tanner Larsen
Now that I have completed my posts about the bishops in my
life, I can return to the chaotic ramblings of my history. As you may have
noticed by now, I do not do to well in sequentially presenting events in my
life. That is why I chose to use this blog. I feel this blogging medium is a
forum that is open to the chronological as well as the immediate posts.
To that end, I am now including a post about an experience I
had with a young, sick boy named Tanner Larsen. First, let me provide you some background.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
I'm in the New York Times!
I realize this blog is
dedicated to Heiss History, but in this fast-paced world, sometimes history
happens fast.
Here is a portion of an article published in
the New York Times about young women,
Jessica Sagers, who was recently accepted for a PhD program at Harvard.
Jessica was in my BYU Singles Ward for a year
as I served as bishop. She was interview by the Times as part of an article to help paint a picture of the changing
role of Mormon women. Here is what the Times wrote:
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Bishop Tom Elder: The Activist
Bishop Kelsey served his five years and was replaced by Tom
Elder. Unique is the best way to describe Tom. Tom and his family came into the
ward the same way the Kelsey’s did – through a small boundary adjustment.
Before the boundaries were reorganized, Tom’s parents moved
into the ward. The house belonged to Norma Humphries when we first moved into
this ward. The odd thing about our ward is you are identified by the former occupants
of the home where you live. For example, we moved into the Stanton’s home. Which
meant that when we introduce you for the first while we had to tell people we
live in the Stanton’s home? It just makes things easier.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Bishop Forrest Kelsey: A Truce
Bishop Gardner stayed in his calling for five years and kept
me and Jim Graham as his counselors for the whole time he served. This is not
rare, but typically bishops change at least one counselor during their time.
Because he didn't make any such changes, we were all deeply invested into the
ward and its people.
That has a positive and slightly negative aspect. The
positive is that leadership is most effective in this church when the leaders
establish strong personal relationships. The negative is that when the calling
comes to an end, those relationships, which had a lot to do with the calling, suddenly,
and quite eerily, change.
When I had a time to think about the transition, it was as
if my head, once filled with the voices of all the ward members, went suddenly
silent. It is a hard thing to experience. It is quite lonely and you feel as if
you will never be a contributor to the cause again.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Sustaining Church Leaders: A Conundrum
I want to pause in my posts about the bishops in my life to
focus on a more sensitive subject.
I realize this blog is to be historical and that it is not
intended to be a forum for ideas. But I believe that the stories we share
should provide the listener, or reader in this case, a glimpse into our souls.
We need to share stories so that others come to know us better. In that
process, we come to know ourselves better as well.
I use this as a prelude to a post about my interpretation of
what it means to sustain church leaders. As I mentioned above, this is a
sensitive topic because there is no real training for LDS people on what it
means to sustain a leader. Likewise, there is no training for church leaders on
how to be sustainable. What complicates this issue is that one of the covenants
made in the temple is that we will not speak ill of those called to lead us.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Bishop Richard Gardner: A Friend and Mentor
I remember the day that Bishop Carroll was notified of his
release. I was sitting outside his office in my capacity of Executive
Secretary, as he was interviewing his daughter, Mandy. When he was done, I went
into his office to see who was next and he had a glazed look on his face. I
asked him what was wrong and he said that the Stake President just called him
to extend his release.
I am now quite familiar with the range of emotions that hit
Bishop Carroll upon learning of his release. It is, as he said, a bitter sweet
experience. But mostly bitter.
Monday, February 10, 2014
Bishop Ron Carroll: Compassionate Incarnate
Apparently, Bishop Dowling had a deal with President Perkins
that once his son, Chris; left on his mission he would be released. Not long
after we arrived in the Northridge 2nd ward, young Chris Dowling had
his Farwell. At the end of that Sacrament meeting, Bishop stood and announced
that he would be released the following Sunday.
I know that President Perkins was fully aware of this.
President Perkins knew how to run a stake. But the ward was quite stunned that
Bishop Dowling would announce his own release. But that was Bishop Downing for
you. The question the ward had for the next week was who would replace Bishop
Dowling. Who could?
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Bishop Chris Dowling: Redefining the Role of Bishop
For me this as a complete career change. I was working at
Duke University as a programmer and IT specialist. The job at Word Perfect was
for a Technical Writer. They wanted me because I had eight years’ experience as
a user and that was quite rare in the technical writing world.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Bishop Richard Rust: Taming the Hill
When Bishop Scholes was released, Richard D. Rust was called
in his place. Both men were entirely different and Bishop Rust had a huge task
ahead of him.
In our stake, the Chapel Hill ward had a reputation of being
a maverick. Our ward was the anchor of the stake and we staffed many of its
positions. But the Stake President, Pete Bennett, was suspicious of our ward. I
am not exactly sure why.
Monday, February 3, 2014
Bishop Joseph Scholes: Coming to Zion
In April, 1985 I graduated from BYU. I had a degree in History
and was itching to get to graduate school and pursue a PhD. After many twists
and turns along the way, I was accepted to the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill. It took a while to get all the move plans set, but in the summer
of 1985 we hopped in our nine passenger Chevy Impala station wagon, which we
bought for $500, and made our way east.
A nine passenger station wagon with Andrew, Karen, and me. We
did have the car packed full with the stuff we felt we needed for that long
trip is a young baby. Everything else we owned was in part of a larger truck
that was slowly making its way to Chapel Hill. We had to get there before the
truck and find a place or we would have to pay extra.
Friday, January 31, 2014
Bishop Kent Harrison: Second BYU Married Ward, Normalization
The small apartment we rented as our first married home
quickly became unbearable. Our queen-sized bed touched almost all the walls in
the bedroom. The second room was L shaped and quite skinny. The living
room/dining room was good sized but the kitchen was a sliver of a space.
Behind the kitchen was the bathroom and we had to finagle a
shower in the tub. We put up the shower panels and that is where I did my
famous caulking job. Ever since that experience, almost 30 years ago, I have
been banned from a caulk gun.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Bishop Allen: First BYU Married Ward, Awkwardness
I can recall very little about Bishop Allen except that he
was small in stature, very quiet, and owned a family camera store. We lived in
that ward for a very short time and found it challenging to make the transition
from a singles ward to a married ward. I don’t think either of us was aware of
these challenges.
Marriage is a vital part of the BYU experience and one of
the main purposes of the singles ward is to help along the way. So, singles
wards, by their very nature, are dynamic. Their goal is to make you feel wanted
and important even those, like me, who bravely resisted.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Bishop William Swinyard: Singles Ward Phase 2, The Transition
At the end of the Winter semester, 1982, my life changed
forever. I had no way to anticipating such a dramatic change. I was in the same
singles ward. I was still at BYU. And two of my three roommates were the same
as well. Things looked good for continued anonymity.
We did move from our ratty old apartment at Le Chateau to a different complex a few
blocks south. And I did get Brian Price as my new roommate. I served with Brian
on my mission. But neither of those two events had anything to do with my dramatic
life change.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Bishop Stephen Durrant: Singles Ward Phase 1
I readily admit that I was not well integrated into my first
singles ward. Well integrated… I was not even close to being integrated. So I
had absolutely no relationship with Bishop Durrant. I may have met him once as
a get-to-know-you type interview. But my goal was to fly completely under the
radar and I accomplished that goal.
Why was I such a devoted introvert? Well, being non-social
comes natural to me. It is my comfort zone. Why? Because it takes minimal
effort and I was a strong advocate of expending a minimal effort at that time
of my life. But let me go back in time a few years to provide some context.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Bishop Robert Wotring: My Hero
To go from an intimidating bishop in Bishop Glenn to a shy,
introverted bishop in Bishop Wotring was a huge change in my life. But the best
part of this change was that Bishop Wotring was the father of my childhood
friend, Bob.
Bishop Wotring was the exact opposite of Bishop Glenn. But
don’t get me wrong; when it came to pure intelligence, there were few smarter
than Bishop Wotring. It was just hard to imagine that this soft-spoken,
blue-collar man had a PhD in Chemistry.
Perhaps the word that best typifies Bishop Wotring is
conundrum – a confusing or difficult problem or question.
Bishop James D. Glenn Jr.: The Essence of Intimidation
Now, that title may seem a bit harsh. It is very likely that
Bishop Glenn was indeed a kind and compassionate man. But when one is 13 and
trying to sift through the complexities of life, Bishop Glenn was that type of
person that easily intimidated me.
To start with, he was a lawyer. Not just a lawyer, but a
very, very smart lawyer. I perceived that he knew everything about every topic.
He could talk about sports, current events, cars, the gospel, and, of course,
the law.
To add to his overpowering persona he was tall and had a
commanding voice. He was not one to get down and interact with the youth. It was
not his in is nature.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Bishop Harold Clayson and the Law of Chastity
Bishop Clayson had the dubious distinction of being both my
Bishop and my elementary school principal. Perhaps he is the reason why I spent
my childhood doing all I could to avoid bishops. Seeing the bishop was literally
like going to the principal’s office.
As I was quite young during his tenor as bishop, I really
didn't get to know him that well. In fact, I have only one Bishop Clayson
story. It may not be so appropriate for this blog, but I would tell it often to
my BYU ward when I was bishop, so I might as well tell it here.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
In the LDS world, especially when you are
young, one of the most influential people in your life is the Bishop. I grew up with the idea that
the Bishop is the person best to avoid. You only had to meet with him once or twice a year. When you advanced in the Aaronic Priesthood you couldn't avoid
him. But other than that, if you stayed out of trouble, you could get by
without ever having to go to his office.
In fact, I was of the
opinion that anyone who visited the Bishop for any other reason than your annual or biannual advancement interview was to be
avoided. Frequent visits meant that person was having serious problems.
No one wants to be that person.
Monday, January 20, 2014
Road Show #3 – The Dunky and Moron Show
Okay, now we enter a less positive time in my Road Show history.
But before I comment on this, I need to explain how things changed from the
last Road Show to this one.
In the mid-1970s the Church noticed that the Youth Program
was completely run by adults. Each youth class had a presidency which meant a
leadership structure. But the youth leadership was almost completely ignored.
The adults thought up, planned, and executed all activities.
The youth simply went along for the ride.
So, rather than being an experience to help cultivate
leadership, the Church youth program simply entertained us. All we had to do
was show up and something happened. This was especially true when it came to
Road Shows. They were all completely controlled by the adults. The youth
neither had say or wanted say when it came to being in charge. We were all
pleased with the status quo.
But the Church was not. They could see great potential in taking
a program that already had a rich history, MIA, and making it a training ground
to develop youth leadership. Scouters would argue that is what Scouting had
done for years. I beg to differ. I was a scout an I learned very little about
leadership during all those years. But my disdain for Scouting is a topic for another
So, the Church introduced the concept of Shadow Leadership. This
was interpreted to mean that the youth were to take over the entire youth
program with the adults working in the shadows. A great concept in theory, but
what happened in our ward was that the adults became absentee leaders and the
youth had full reign. It was a disaster --
most notably in the realm of the Road Show.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Road Show #2 - Snow White
My second Road Show, at least the second one I remember, was
a spoof on the Snow White story. Once again, this Road Show took place when
there was still a strong adult influence on its production. That meant there would
be a script writer, choreographer, and lyricist. It also meant there were going
to be auditions.
Once I heard there were auditions, I knew my role in that Road
Show would be limited. I was too young and way too awkward for a speaking part.
I couldn't sing, so any part that required a solo, duet, or any amount of
people singing was going to be way outside not only my comfort zone, but my
talent zone as well. There was dancing again, but our cast was to be a lot
smaller than the Monopoly Road Show, so I did all I could to shy away from any
part that required dancing.
I cannot dance!
I cannot dance!
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Road Show #1 - Monopoly
The first Road Show I participated in was clearly my favorite.
I have no clue what the theme of the show was. But it involved almost the whole
ward and was short on script and long on dancing and singing.
The beauty of this show was its simplicity. We had one prop
-- a massive Monopoly board. That board dominated the entire back of the stage.
Along the border were dozens of light bulbs so the board was not only prominent,
it was extremely bright as well.
During the play the main characters made their way around
the board. At each block of properties a different group of participants would come
on stage wearing brightly colored costumes. They would sing and dance about
their portion of the board. So, rather than changing stage sets, we simply had different
groups performing.
Monday, January 13, 2014
Road Show
The Church (LDS Church for those wondering) was quite different
when I was growing up then is it today. First, we did not have the consolidated
meeting schedule as we do now. The new schedule did not come about until
February, 1980.
So, during my childhood, Church was an all-consuming event. All
Priesthood holders went to Priesthood meeting sometime in the morning. Later
that day was Sunday school which was split between Junior and Senior Sunday
school. Sometime later there was Sacrament meeting. So most the day was spent getting
ready for church, going to church, or being at church.
Primary was held mid-week. For us it always seemed to be on
Wednesday. At Primary we all met in the chapel for opening exercises and then
split off our different classes after that. Each class had its own distinct
name like Sunbeam, Merry Miss, Gay Note (I think that one died an ignoble
death), the ever popular Blazers.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
When Rachel and Miriam lived with us I would laugh, to
myself of course, at the silly things that scared them. They were afraid of any
animal or insect even if the insect was either dead or on the other side of a
window. They were afraid of the vacuum. They were afraid of loud noises. Of
course, they were afraid of the dark and of potential monsters.
Nancy recently
posted about taking the family to the museum and having poor Miriam afraid of
an open fish tank. If it didn't have a lid, then surely it would spill. The
great thing about most childhood fears is that we all eventually grow out of
them. But as this is a somewhat historical essay, I want to review those things
that frightened me when I was young and see which of those fears persisted.
I was never afraid of furry animals. I loved cats, dogs,
hamsters, and almost anything that could be considered a pet. However I was and
still am afraid of bunnies. Okay, not the fear that causes me to want to run
away should a bunny hop in my path. I fear petting a bunny or, worse yet, picking
one up. I am convinced it will scratch me with its hind legs or bite me with its
large, razor sharp teeth. To be honest, Monty
Python and the Holy Grail did not alleviate my fear of rabbits.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Dad is alone with the kids!
A long time ago, I think I was about 7 or 8, my Mom went to a Relief Society Enrichment Night and left us children alone with Dad. We were having a grand old time, eating popcorn for dinner and jumping on the trampoline in the backyard. We even convinced Dad to join us on the Trampoline. I believe that Andrew was inside doing dishes but I have no memory where everyone else was.
As Dad and I were jumping on the trampoline he started to see if he could interrupt my bounce. Well, needless to say, it worked and if I remember right I was bounced off the trampoline and my arm got caught in the bar. I started screaming and crying. Dad flew off the trampoline and called for Andrew to bring a blanket to wrap my arm in.
They didn't put my cast on until I think the next day. They wrapped my arm with a splint and sent me home. When we got home, Mom wasn't home yet so Dad let me sleep in the guest bedroom. I think I remember Mom coming home and her looking in on me and then talking to Dad to find out what happened. I know that she was there when the doctor set my arm and put the cast on it. But to this day I still say that my Dad broke my arm.
As Dad and I were jumping on the trampoline he started to see if he could interrupt my bounce. Well, needless to say, it worked and if I remember right I was bounced off the trampoline and my arm got caught in the bar. I started screaming and crying. Dad flew off the trampoline and called for Andrew to bring a blanket to wrap my arm in.
Dad then rushed me to the Instacare or something close to that since I don't remember an actual E.R. This was a time before cell phones so Mom had no idea that I was hurt yet. While waiting for the Doctor to see me a nurse came out to write down what happened. They asked my Dad and I the same questions but I, being the emotional wreck that I was, told the nurse flat out that "My Dad broke my arm". Dad looked at me with a little panic in his eyes and clarified that I fell of the trampoline and it broke. After she finished asking the questions they took me back for an x-ray. My arm was indeed broken.
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